Wednesday 25 April 2012

Fear not

By Anne Albers

When fear grips you, dear ones, you can choose to turn your attention to the truth of God's love. Fear was designed to be a biological reaction to a threatening situation - one that would create fight or flight, and then be done. Fear was designed to be a fleeting, momentary state of being, triggered only in dire situations. However, fear has become instead, a force in the human race that possesses you, pretends to protect you, and in reality keeps you locked in the chains of so-called safety when in reality your spirit longs to be free from this bondage!

Fear makes you believe you must not take risks, when your heart gives you clear guidance to do so. Fear has you protect yourselves beyond reason, when in reality your heart knows when enough is enough. Fear has you silence your truth when in reality your heart longs to speak. Fear serves no good in this capacity dear friends for it blocks the movement and the flow of God to you, in you, and through you. Fear, in this capacity is a false idol. God's love is the only truth? Which one will you worship?

When fear grips you, be it large or small, ask yourself, "What are the real circumstances right now? Right now am I under attack? Right now is my life in danger? Right now is my life falling to ruin?" Chances are, that is not the case. Fear in the human race, has grown into a disease that projects into possible futures, and changes the way you act now. You fear that someone will be upset, so you silence yourself. But right now your heart says, "Speak up! Speak with love. Don't hold your truth inside of you." "But what if people don't like what I have to say," you ask? We would respond that love will guide you all into your right places. If everyone were honest, everyone would end up in their perfect circles. 

Fear tells you that your finances will run out way before you retire. And yet what is the truth now, in this moment dear ones? You have enough now. And if you exist in a space of love, gratitude, and trust, then you will always be guided to have enough in the future. If you exist in fear, you make decisions that do not come from God's love and then you create your proverbial messes. In reality, existing in love allows you the greatest guidance in each moment of your lives.

And so when fear strikes you and you cannot rid yourself of this energy, sit, breathe, pray, and receive. Ask God to remove the fear from you. Breathe slowly and deeply. Look at the facts. Pray for guidance in the moment - guidance that comes only and always from love."

"We waste our lives in worry. We all do it. It erupts from our unconscious from the past, other lives, etc. Our brain tries to make itself feel in control by coming up with solutions for every possible scenario. But in reality, the monkey mind gets in the way of hearing our real guidance. Existing in a space of truth, faith, and belief in God's love is really the only way to live. It is the greatest protection on earth, the easiest way to hear your real loving guidance, and best of all... it feels good!"

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