Saturday 16 June 2012

An Opportunity - Now

“We all have secret lives. The life of excretion; the world of inappropriate sexual fantasies; our real hopes, our terror of death; our experience of shame; the world of pain; and our dreams. No one else knows these lives. Consciousness is solitary. Each person lives in that bubble universe that rests under the skull, alone.”

- Kim Stanley Robinson, Galileo’s Dream

An Opportunity - Now

By Kuthumi

Channelled through Lynette Leckie-Clark, 13 September 2009

This is I Kuthumi who comes to you once more on the Golden Ray of the Divine. I tell you my heart is open to you. My love flows to you, to embrace you to surround you, to lift you from your hesitancy and turmoil. I see it, I feel it within you.

The planetary energies in particular the previous eclipsal period, while bringing blessings, has also created much turmoil for many of you. Relationships have ended, finances have run away with you, and some of you experienced loved ones returning home. This has created turmoil and distractions in your lives. Very few of you have remained unaffected by the eclipses of August. So I ask you ‘what have you released? What have you seen that you no longer need in your life? What emotions, what memories?’

You see my friend, through these events, you had opportunities to re-make your emotional body. To let go of all those old events, hurts. As I have said before they have happened, they are but a memory.

You may have thought you weren't ready to release, didn't really want to let go, or it may have all seemed too difficult to do. The planetary energies gave you a hurry up. I told you it was time. No more sitting on the fence thinking, ‘yes. I'll do it one day.’ That one day is here. It's time to clean the closet of your emotional body. To look into those dark recesses and the secrets they hold. Do you really need them I ask you? As long as you keep those dark secrets, you cannot embrace the Light fully. Why would you want to allow this to be? Think about this. It is time

Yet we have not left you, no. For planets move constantly and new healing energies abound. You see on your system of numerology you are entering a time of Divine energy, entering your atmosphere, opening your Higher Heart centres to heal, to forgive and to love. We see clearly that this is necessary. That many need assistance to let go. To begin a new way through the heart centre. The first steps to global peace.

I tell you each one of you each day of your lives plays a part. You have this outdated idea embedded by your past conditioning, that what you do, what you say, that you yourself simply doesn't matter, that you are unimportant, overlooked. The energy of my heart embraces you. Erase that thought from your mind - totally. It does not exist - no, no-longer. It is an untruth. A great untruth.

I have given many teachings through this one. We have spoken of energy. All is energy. Everything. So I ask you, what kind of energy do you think is created by your mind set? A mind that thinks you are so unimportant? What energy do you think?

Because the particles of your energy join to the energy of your wives, husbands, family, workmates, check-out operators, people in the street walking past you. The energies join together - in your auric field and in your atmosphere. So I ask you again, do you still see your emotions, your thoughts as unimportant, worthless? Think about this I urge you. Think of the vast magnificence of what is. It is happening - now! All around you.

And you think you cannot make a difference. That you cannot create your day, your week, your year, your future? I tell you your thoughts are everything. Your emotions follow thought. Thought creates emotions, creates an action. You have been told many times what you think you will create. It is true. So therefore, in this mind set of unworthiness, do you wonder why nothing changes in your life? I know many of you do. We see it in the atmosphere. You have the power to change your life - no one else. Not your boss, your government - you, only you. Change your thoughts, change your life. And the times now.

You have the power to do so. Simply decide yes. Action will follow. Expansion into the Light is upon you. To flow with Divine fulfilment, freedom and Love. Cleanse your emotional and physical bodies. Honour what belongs to you.

Many are now awakening to higher knowledge. These ones have opened their minds and hearts. So the energies flow to and within them. This activates the Pineal Gland; some call this the Master Gland. It allows you to connect to your Higher Self. You can receive higher awareness, and also great healing in your bodies. Great Healing. And so a new joining begins. On a higher dimension. There is nothing to fear. How can you fear God?

It is a remembrance, a soul remembrance that your Higher Self urges you toward. To begin a journey of Divine guidance, of Light.

You will feel more as you walk this new path. Not only your own energies and feelings but you will attain an awareness of others energy fields. Know that this is your higher centres awakening. Awakening to truth. To what has always been available to you. You see there is nothing to fear. No reason to hold onto old painful hurts. I tell you they have only one purpose. That is to bind you to the path of negative despair, pain and hopelessness. You are worthy of so much more. Each of you, everyone is precious, magnificent. If only you could see yourself as we see you. But we see your soul, not your personality - the lower self. We see your Light. The personality is what you choose, though your actions, intent, attitudes. You allow your personality to create your future. This binds you to lower vibrations.

You have an opportunity for change in your life - now, it is now, not tomorrow. That is why I come, why I open my Heart to you. To help you create a new way forward, for you and for the planet. Will you walk with us?

Peace to you.

Master Kuthumi


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